Technological Convergence: Microsoft



a) Demonstrate your knowledge of one (1) category of convergence using a case study. Please provide relevant links for your research.


Henry Jenkins (2006) stated that convergence as the “flow of content across multiple media platforms” and a process that changed how media is produced and consumed. There are five categories of convergence, Global Convergence, Technological Convergence, Economic Convergence, Cultural Convergence and lastly the Organic Convergence. I have chosen the technological convergence to answer this question.

Technological convergence is different kinds of technology merge together. For example, we used to listen to the radio to get information or entertainment. Now, we have smart phones which combined everything in one device. We can watch videos, news, movies, listen to the music, get information and many more just in one device.

Microsoft is another example of case study that can be related to technological convergence. From what i have read on AT&T Shape website, written by Christy Roland (2017), Microsoft is one of the companies that lead converging technology. As we all know, Microsoft is famous with it products like Microsoft Office. They have smart phones, game consoles, tablets, virtual assistant, Cortana and many more. Smart phones are the technological convergence that happens between TV, laptop, radio, etc and created new technology like smart phone which combined all of digital technologies into one device.

In conclusion, technological convergence may influence consumers to accept new technologies. Henry Jenkins, (2006) cited that “we still use most of the old technology today. The only difference is now we are able to use all of thee tings through one device.”



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