Collective Intelligence: Italian Fansubbing Community




a) discuss in details using one CASE STUDY of how such knowledge community enabling collective intelligence. Please provide relevant links for your research. 


Henry Jenkins (2010) defined that Collective Intelligence (CI) is the “capability of virtual communities to leverage the combined ability of their members to accomplish tasks and goals that no one have completed alone.” The case study that i have chosen is about Italian Fansubbing Community researched by Felice Addeo.

Fansubbing is the abbreviation for fan subtitles. Fansubbing is aimed to all people who wants to enjoy the programs in its original language. For example, if you are a fan of Japanese anime, but you do not understand what it says, so these fansubbing communities will do the subtitle for you.

The objective of the research on Italian Fansubbing Community is to identify the relational dynamics and the organizational tradition of the Italian Fansubbing Communities.

In this research, they divided the fansubbing into two categories, which are The Community and The Fansubbers. In the community, they have the internal organization and creative process, while in the Fansubbers categories, they have motivations and professionalization.

For example, Itasa stands for Italian Subs Addicted, is the most crucial Italian Community, they have 140 users in 2005 and 300,000 users in 2013. This community aimed to produce correct subtitles as close as they can with the original version. After a while, they managed to enhance their quality and has achieved attention among official media. They also have established partnerships with broadcasting channels.

Besides that, their organization chart starts with the Admin, then Senior, after that Publisher and then Translator lastly, the User. From the organization chart, each individual is designed with different task, roles and responsibilities.

In addition, creative process happens when any of the subbers faced with any difficulties, they can discuss with other members and all the subbers unite to find shared solutions. The subbers are motivated to sub for people because it is their passion. Other than that, they can also improve their English. Next, they feel that they are getting acknowledged by other people when they sub for people. It’s like doing a good deed to people. They also feel like they in a part of a group, which is the Itasa Community.

Not to mention, when they did all the subtitle they gained lots of skills from it such as linguistic skills, technical skills and interpersonal skills.

In conclusions, fansubbing helps people to understand what they don’t understand. It also can interact with users, reach out to wide audience to share some opinions and many more. In this fansubbing industry u can get knowledge exchange and collaborative in problem solving between people.

reference link:


Opportunities and Challenges from the aspects of Digital Technologies



b) Explain how your case study has created opportunities and challenges from the aspects of digital technologies.


Based on my case study on Italian Fansubbing Community researched by Felice Addeo, fansubbing can be considered as an effiecient way of analyzing business forms and achieving skills. Opportunities you can get by fansubbing are, you can learn a lot of languages. Your technical skills also can be increased by subbing for people. For an instance when you are subbing for people, you will learn to use digital technologies like smart phones such as, computers. Next, users will use digital technologies to get the content they want like if they are Italian people and they want to watch American series but they does not understand english, they can get subtitles from Itasa to watch the series.

You can also get opportunities from digital technology which you can get to be in a group of community that share the same interest and idea. For example, you use your smart phone, or tablet or laptop to stay connected with other fans so usually in a community, all of the community members have the same interest, so they can share what they know and also they will learn a lot of new things when they interact with each other.

Besides that, there are also some challenges by doing fansubbing from the aspect of digital technologies. When you are doing fansubbing sometimes you download videos illegally and that can be counted as piracy. You may need to ask for copyright. Next, challenges that you may face as a fansub, you do work overload until you don’t have time for yourself. Fansubbing are supposed to be like a hobby because you are a fan of a community.

Generally speaking, by doing fansubbing on digital technologies can give a lot of opportunities but at the same time you also need to face some challenges when you want to do it.


Technological Convergence: Microsoft



a) Demonstrate your knowledge of one (1) category of convergence using a case study. Please provide relevant links for your research.


Henry Jenkins (2006) stated that convergence as the “flow of content across multiple media platforms” and a process that changed how media is produced and consumed. There are five categories of convergence, Global Convergence, Technological Convergence, Economic Convergence, Cultural Convergence and lastly the Organic Convergence. I have chosen the technological convergence to answer this question.

Technological convergence is different kinds of technology merge together. For example, we used to listen to the radio to get information or entertainment. Now, we have smart phones which combined everything in one device. We can watch videos, news, movies, listen to the music, get information and many more just in one device.

Microsoft is another example of case study that can be related to technological convergence. From what i have read on AT&T Shape website, written by Christy Roland (2017), Microsoft is one of the companies that lead converging technology. As we all know, Microsoft is famous with it products like Microsoft Office. They have smart phones, game consoles, tablets, virtual assistant, Cortana and many more. Smart phones are the technological convergence that happens between TV, laptop, radio, etc and created new technology like smart phone which combined all of digital technologies into one device.

In conclusion, technological convergence may influence consumers to accept new technologies. Henry Jenkins, (2006) cited that “we still use most of the old technology today. The only difference is now we are able to use all of thee tings through one device.”



The Importance of Convergence



b) why are the idea of convergence important? 


The idea of convergence is very important because of convergence, we can get easily get access to  information. It also very easy to connect with audiences or consumers that uses your products.

Next, convergence also helps in time-saving and cost- saving devices. We don’t need to buy things like radio because we can listen and get radio by using our smart phones. Besides, because convergence allows and encourages new ways to communicate like communicating through social media.

In addition, convergence is important because it helps in improving human performance. For example, you can get everything done faster. Like Organic convergence which is  doing a lot of things at the same time or multitasking.

Essays, UK. (November 2013), cited that the content creator can use the platform to create customized content that is focus at different groups of people. Media convergence also reached wider and greater audience engagement.

Not to mention, media convergence helps in developing chance to work together with other media organizations like sharing resources. Then, technological convergence shaped the everyday life by affecting the telecommunications as well.

In a nutshell, we are in an era where media is everywhere and we use all kinds of media. Media convergence makes humans relying more on media.






b) Applying the “fandom” concept, explore how audience of the above case-study (a) sought to attach themselves to the franchise and what roles do they play in the transmedia storytelling?


There are a lot of fans of Toy Story animations. Toy Story has many platforms that fans fans can participate and engaged themselves to the story.

First, Toy Story introduced Personal Toy Story books and “Create Your Comic” Toy Story books for the fans can create their own  story. So now the fans are not just consumers and viewers but they are also the producers of Toy Story.


Second, other than movies, the Toy Story franchise also came out with video games so that fans can play the games and be apart and experiencing the game. Another thing that how audience sought to attach themselves to the franchise is, the fans can check out the official website of Toy Story. In the website, you can get information about the movies, you can play games, then you can also watch some videos of favorite moment with Woody and his friends. Other than that, you can also buy Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and Disney movies.


Roles that the audience play in the transmedia storytelling are the fans can create their own story of Toy Story through the books. Next, they can also gives opinions on Toy Story official website. Besides that, by playing video games of the Toy Story, fans get engaged more in it. Some people like to collect their merchandises and toys like Woody action figure, Mr Potato Head, Buzz Lightyear and many more. For kids entertainment, they also have Disney on Ice Play, which they can interact with the characters that performed.

In a nutshell, it is clear that the Toy Story film is an example of  Jenkins transmedia storytelling, as it expands its brands and franchises through many media and outlets.

Transmedia storytelling: Toy Story



a) Explore the phenomenon of transmedia storytelling using a case study (a film, television series, comic book, novel, etc.) and examine how it contributes successfully to larger media franchises.



Henry Jenkins (2007), stated that “Transmedia Storytelling is a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified contribution to the unfolding of the story.”

For example, in Harry Potter it started with books. Then, it has digital cinema which they make film series for it. After that, when the movies become hit they created games for it to play on Sony Playstation 1, Sony Playstation 2 and others. Harry Potter also action figures and their own merchandises.

A case study that i have chosen for this post is about film Toy Story. Toy Story is a computer – animated film that was produced by Pixar and release by Disney in 1995. Toy Story is considered to be one of the best animated films. This film has different platforms like comic books, video games, theme park and many more.


Toy Story has 3 films that have been released, and Toy Story 4 is coming in 2019. Then, this franchise also have 3 short films and 2 animated series. Toy Story also have theatrical presentations which they have Disney on Ice plays, and then they also have musical called Toy Story: The Musical.

Other than that, Toy Story also released a few video games for all ages. The video games was introduced on different consoles such as Wii, PS3, and the XBOX. These platforms help the viewers of the film to take part or experiencing what they saw in the film. They are now has become part of the Toy Story image.

Besides that, Toy Story has catch attention from the viewers especially kids and teenagers, so they also came out with toys like LEGO and they also sell the main character Woody action figure. Since Toy Story was released by Disney, this franchise also have their own theme park attractions at Disneyland.


I have experienced some of the attractions at Disney Sea, Tokyo, Japan. I had so much fun when i visited the place. Moreover, Toy Story Land is available at Walt Disney Studios Park, Hong Kong Disneyland, Shanghai Disneyland and coming soon to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. While, Toy Story Midway Mania! is available at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, Disney California Adventure and Tokyo Disneysea.

Toy Story also introduced few books, Personal Toy Story books and “Create Your Comic” where fans can become producers. They want fans to participate in making the story. Fans also can view an official Toy Story Facebook page, where they can post movie quotes, receive promotional video and many more.

In the final analysis, Toy Story has become Pixar’s most popular film and features most uses of different mediums and platforms.